PayDay… a day late and… er… never mind.

Yes, yes – I know, I know.  The last time I was here, I said that I was in the midst of stashbusting.

However, this morning the gloom of the grey sky and the fallen dead leaves…

… plus the completely foreseen (but no less crippling) bad mood engendered by Tuesday’s election results…

…led me and my iron will (HA!) regarding PayDay purchases astray.

It all started off rather innocently.  In light of my stashbusting goal – which involves the winding of approximately 5 kilometres of Super 10 cotton yarn – and a recalcitrant JJ (“Who do ah sue if ah get that carpal tunnel thingy from doing all these yarn balls??? Eh??? Eh???”), I decided to break down and buy a ball winder and swift.

A very economical purchase, really, considering all of the labour costs (which, at present Legal Aid lawyer rates, comes out to approximately… er, never mind.  And which, at JJ rates, led to too many whisky empties!) I will save.

Or would have saved, had I not come across this at Romni, where I bought the ball winder, at the same time:

This is brand new laceweight stuff!  It’s called One of a Kind (indeed!) and made right here in Canada.  The price, at $7.95 for a 600 yard skein, was actually quite reasonable (it’s a wool/angora/nylon blend).

Plus, the colourway is called Kaleidoscope.  How could I resist, really?

When I got back to the office after this little lunchtime foray, imagine my surprise to find this waiting for me!

This is the latest instalment in the Year of Lace 2008 club series which – horrors! – I had forgotten was on its way.  And Handmaiden cashmere to boot!  I must say the colourway is not one that falls within my preferred range, but I’m sure I’ll find someone who would like a shawl made with it.

I also rediscovered this lovely yarn that fellow blogger extraordinaire Clarabelle had winged my way from the UK back in the summer… (please do not think me ungrateful, C. – I had left it in my office to show everyone and it ended up as a decoration in my new office):

Now, one would think that all this largesse would have kept my @$$ in the tram seat on the way home instead of popping off to hit Lettuce Knit (notionally, in search of a swift).  But no.

Why, oh why, Handmaiden, did you have to come out with silver Sea Silk yarn?!?!?


After all of this, of course, my former past true love Super10 looks…er, rather dull.  But here is an in-progress shot of the Election 2008 Log Cabin quilt:

My goal: to finish it off before the US elections.  Given that the finished size should be 60″ x 50″ or so, I may well have bitten off more than I can chew.  Nothing changes, eh?

Well, off to make dinner… the easiest Greek pasta recipe ever.  Stay tuned!

8 thoughts on “PayDay… a day late and… er… never mind.

  1. clarabelle says:

    Hey, all these posts! Please give one a chance to catch up, Your Maj!

    All the yarn looks wondrous, though I can’t quite make out the shade for the yarn from the Year of Lace – ?dove grey. I must admit that I’m veering a bit towards these rather neutral shades in laceweight, having seen quite a few lovely finished pieces on Rav, in creams, beiges and greys.

    Moi, I’m knitting the Sarah Bradberry Log-Cabin Square pattern, using any old Kureyon I can get on the cheap!

    Hope the packing is progressing -yikes, is there anything worse? always so dusty and endless – but you have your new flat to look forward to! With that view!

  2. Tracyb says:

    Oh Kristina, how I missed you payday splurges! I am totally living vicariously although now I have a pay day again! But not as many cool lys’s as you have!

  3. Amy says:

    If you don’t like the color of the YoL08 yarn you should dye it. Kettle dying is not hard to do at all and it produces a beautiful yarn for lace patterns.

    But if you really, really don’t like it…can I have it? Hee hee, it’s been so long since I’ve said that, I almost forgot.

  4. Amy says:

    Oh yeah, and woohoo!! for the swift and ball winder. I wouldn’t take $1 million for mine. Well, OK, I would probably take $200 for it, but I would promptly buy another and pocket the rest.

  5. Kathy Kathy Kathy says:

    Exactly like my yarn winder & swift. Excellent purchase. You won’t regret it. If the swift runs slow and/or squeaks like mine try rubbing waxed paper or candle wax on the shaft. I would accept a shawl made out of the Handmaiden Cashmere!

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